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In the project P 35485-N (starting 2022) we study the numerical time integration of the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics for solar physics. Efficient and reliable numerical methods are essential for computationally feasible realistic simulations. Our approach also applies to problems in biology or mathematical finance. Splitting methods treat operators with different mathematical properties and physical significance separately. To increase efficiency and reliability, we use adaptive time-stepping to extend the scope of current theoretical studies of our sun by allowing higher resolution and guaranteed accuracy. The methods will allow refined numerical simulations of convective stellar surfaces. The evolution of the dynamical variables will be probed by observational data, which will benefit from the interaction between modellers and observers enabling refinement of the simulations while the computational results will suggest new observing campaigns. For further activities of our group, see also https://acore.univie.ac.at/.

Involved researchers:

Othmar Koch (PI, Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna)
Friedrich Kupka (National research partner, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien)
Norbert Mauser (National research partner, University of Vienna, research platform MMM)
Inmaculada Higueras (International cooperation partner, Universidad Publica de Navarra)
Roger Käppeli (International cooperation partner, ETH Zurich)
Siddharta Mishra (International cooperation partner, ETH Zurich)

So far, the project yielded the following articles and preprints and oral presentations and organized the following events. A collection of splitting methods constructed in the course of the project or taken from the literature and assessed as to their merits for computational purposes can be found at http://www.othmar-koch.org/splitting/.

Oral Presentations


This project is funded by FWF - The Science Fund [logo of fwf] page written by Othmar Koch.
last modification: Tue Feb 13 14:00 MET 2024